Friday, July 04, 2008

I Have A Little Bit

of what you call a


Ok, well not really. I did this on purpose. It's the MinnowKnits Dutch Girl pattern and it's awesome. But it only goes up to a 4 year size. Dudette is 5 and I wanted her to be able to wear it for a bit. So I threw caution to the wind and knit this bad boy up on size 11 needles when the pattern called for 10 1/2. As you can see, it's quite large. But Dudette loves it and as she pointed out, she'll get a good couple years out of it. God bless the thought process of my baby.

I used some Bulky Lamb's Pride I had in my stash for this one and completed it with a gorgeous button Sue gifted me. That she made all by herself. I couldn't make this sweater any more special now if I tried.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Vogue Vogue Vogue Vogue

There she is, striking a pose in her new tank top I just finished. She's quite taken with it and wants to wear it every day until it doesn't fit her anymore. That's true love, wouldn't you say?

The design is my own and I don't think I could repeat it if I tried. I started this last summer and just never got around to finishing it until now. It's ok though, it would have been way too big last summer.