Sunday, June 14, 2009

Socks of Mass Destruction

I don't remember if I told you all that I had joined Sock Wars IV or not. If not, now I have. I have finished 2 complete pair of socks for the War so far. My first pair are Barcelona by Helen Waittes who is Supreme Commander of Sock Wars IV.

I knit these in Premier Yarns Serenity Sock in the Indigo shade and I must say that for an inexpensive yarn this stuff was awesome to knit with! So awesome that I think I'd like a pair of these for myself.

My second pair is the Air Raid Socks pattern by Emily B. Miller of Skyline Chilly. I knit these in JL Vinca and my experience with this yarn wasn't even close to the one I had with the Premier Yarns. Even though the colors are awesome and the finished fabric was nice, the yarn was terribly splitty and I don't think you could pay me enough to knit with it again.

They are pretty though.

I've also signed up to participate in 52 Pair Plunge III and since my Air Raid Socks were completed this month they count as my first pair for the Plunge! Woo Hoo!!! I'm so glad I wasn't killed off in the War before I was able to complete that pair of socks!