I decided just before the first of the year that I was going to devote a lot more time to blogging this year. Then Darcie got sick and landed in the hospital for a couple weeks and that plan went straight down the shitter. Darcie has been home for almost 2 weeks now and she's doing incredible. So much so that I've even started knitting again. Last night was my first time back to
knit night at the LYS in almost a month and it felt so good to get back to what passes for normal in these parts.
I knit myself these awesome
Arc Mittens from the 2011 Interweave Knits Accessories magazine.

Complete and total love. The pattern calls for a single strand of Bulky Lamb's Pride but I chose to use 2 strands of worsted instead. So. Warm. I want a pair in every color of the rainbow now. Of course the next mittens on my list are
Cloisonee by the Harlot. So many color combinations dancing through my head. What's the next project in your queue?