Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Quick Update...

For all of you wondering where to get the pattern for the Trinity jacket...

Adirondack Yarns

The jacket was designed by Sue (the best owner of the best LYS in the whole entire wide world) and is free when you purchase the yarn to knit the jacket. The kits can be ordered on the website. If you let Sue know you found her through the KAL here she'll give you a 10% discount.

It's a gorgeous jacket and lots of fun to knit. Go ahead, give it a try!

I've been doing lots of knitting since I've been on bed rest for the past week. My left leg started hurting early last week and I kept ignoring it hoping it would go away. By Saturday night I finally admitted to myself that it wasn't going away. I also admitted to Bran that I was pretty sure I had another blood clot. I had a DVT in my right leg and several smaller clots in my lungs almost 16 years ago after having Short Man. As long as I live I'll never forget that pain. So I drove up to the hospital and asked if someone was available to do a doppler on my leg. They called in one of the girls from x-ray and within a minute she had found it. This one is in a superficial vein and doesn't present as much of a risk as the DVT I had previously. Thank goodness. But still, to lessen the slight chance of it breaking free and wandering to my lungs I've been told to stay off my feet, keep my legs elevated, and keep heat on my left leg. I know you're all thinking that this sounds like a knitters dream, but it's really not. My elliptical machine is calling my name. And my ass is numb. I want to play on the computer for more than a few minutes a day. And most importantly, I want to wait on my baby dolls who are home on spring break. I want to play games and run around outside. Yes, I'm whining. I go back for a follow up with the doctor on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed that they tell me I can get back on my feetsies. I've got a ton of laundry to catch up on after all.


Anonymous said...

I sure hope you are feeling better! I can understand wanting to play with your kiddos during Spring Break. But the good thing is that summer will be here before we know it and then will be counting down the days until school starts again! Your secret pal

Shelby said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this!! I hope it resolves itself fast, and you can get back up on your feet to enjoy the weekend. You're in my thoughts!

Michelle said...

Oh no! Better safe than sorry though. I have a friend who developed blood clots while pregnant last year and it didn't sound like much fun. Hope you stay sane. Maybe you can bring a favorite ball of yarn to bed with you to cuddle? :-)

Marsha said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!

pattycats said...

Get well soon. My husband had a series of them some years back and on one occaison it went to the lung. I went to the ER to see what I thought was a guy with a leg problem and there he was, hooked up to heart monitors etc! That sure shook me up.

Leslie said...

Sorry you are on bed rest - there are so many other fun things to do (both in and out of bed)... Well, I do suggest you write out detailed instructions for Darcie and Dan to do laundry (sheets & towels at least) and think ahead to the days when you can go outside a play again.

Hope you get the go ahead to go outside soon!

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how sorry I am that you are suffering with this problem. But you need to take the time to heal yourself now, so that you CAN be there to take care of the baby dolls later. And I am sure that is what they want as well.

Now get that rest that you need, enjoy your knitting time, and we will be here when you are well and have more time for the computer.

Love you. ((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))

Susan said...

I'm sorry to hear about your health. I'm glad that you listened your body by going to see doctor. Rest well and get well soon!!! Hugs!!!

Mama said...

It is Wednesday - so (hopefully) "only" two more days in bed. Maybe you can work on something colorfully fun - Lizard Ridge?

I went to the store website - tell me about the Oregon Vest - is it a good match for an beginnermediate knitter?

Snuggle up to your little ones and read a few bedtime stories - might make you feel better : )

ps: Not going to bother giving you a lecture on the dangers of driving yourself to the ER - it's more than likely that I would have done the same thing.

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