The rest of my family likes to be stylin'. They follow all the trends and get sucked into the latest crazes. Like the Croc craze currently spreading through our sleepy little town. At first I refused to buy them. I thought they looked cheap and hideous. And they're flimsy. But then Dailaesse caught Croc fever and I just couldn't resist any longer. Since Darcie had also been wanting them I set out in search of a pair for each of the girls about 2 weeks ago. The one store here in town that carries them didn't have them in their sizes. I went to Lake Placid. Same deal. I got online. After spending 3 hours searching online stores I found the pair of turquoise Darcie wanted so I ordered 'em up along with a pair of Sea Blue for Dailaesse. I also ordered Off Road's for Dan in red and black for Bran. And these...

for me. I hate getting sucked in but I so love these shoes.