KnitPurlGurl is hosting a contest for a Namaste Hermosa. If you love knitting bags hurry over for your chance to win. I bought a red Hermosa over the summer and fell hard. These bags are so roomy and totally gorgeous to carry. And this comes from the girl who NEVER carried bags.
Almost forgot...hurry over as the contest ends at midnight EST tonight!!!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
And Now I'm Back
First up, we've had some birthdays around here since I posted last. I think. I'm feeling way too guilty about my lack of blog activity to go look to see when my last post was.

A new winter hat and mittens for Dailaesse. She loves them. I know the mittens look incredibly long but she loves them. And I love them because I won't have to stop every 2 minutes to tuck them back under her sleeves. That right there is what you call a win-win folks!
My sweet little baby boy turned 18 back in July. Can you believe it? I can't. He's not playing football this year. I'm crushed but we've all moved on and I'm doing my best to get over it.
Darcie is 14 today. I can't believe that either. When are these kids going to stop making me so old??? Happy birthday sweetheart!!! I hope you have a most amazing year!!!
I suppose you would probably like to see some knitting. There has been lots of it. I know, I'm surprised too.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Death Socks
These are the last socks I knit before being killed off in Sock Wars IV:

And here are the socks that did me in:
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Socks of Mass Destruction
I don't remember if I told you all that I had joined Sock Wars IV or not. If not, now I have. I have finished 2 complete pair of socks for the War so far. My first pair are Barcelona by Helen Waittes who is Supreme Commander of Sock Wars IV.

I knit these in Premier Yarns Serenity Sock in the Indigo shade and I must say that for an inexpensive yarn this stuff was awesome to knit with! So awesome that I think I'd like a pair of these for myself.
My second pair is the Air Raid Socks pattern by Emily B. Miller of Skyline Chilly. I knit these in JL Vinca and my experience with this yarn wasn't even close to the one I had with the Premier Yarns. Even though the colors are awesome and the finished fabric was nice, the yarn was terribly splitty and I don't think you could pay me enough to knit with it again.
They are pretty though.
I've also signed up to participate in 52 Pair Plunge III and since my Air Raid Socks were completed this month they count as my first pair for the Plunge! Woo Hoo!!! I'm so glad I wasn't killed off in the War before I was able to complete that pair of socks!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Spring in Your Step
So this is one of the super secret projects I've been working on...

Spring in Your Step. Designed and knit by yours truly for the Sockathon group on Yahoo. Want to knit along with us? Go join the group! We'll have lots of fun! :-)
Spring in Your Step. Designed and knit by yours truly for the Sockathon group on Yahoo. Want to knit along with us? Go join the group! We'll have lots of fun! :-)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Purple Pangea
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Not So Famous Famous Hat
I told you I had been busy knitting. I designed this hat based on a commercial pattern I saw kicking around on some pretty cool heads. This one is knit in worsted weight and is quite cool, in my opinion. The pattern can be purchased over there in the right hand side bar or you can get a smokin' hot kit from Sue. I did this as a mystery knit with a group on Ravelry. Check it out. There are some amazing color combos and awesome knitting to see!
And Leslie dear, I promise to get you that note I owe you. :-)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Month and More
Wow. It's been over a month since I posted last. Lots has happened. Most of it good.
I've also done lots of knitting. I was on a serious dishcloth kick for a few days.

I also finished a pair of Blueberry Waffle socks. These were knit in STR Heavyweight Rocktober. So soft and squishy. I gifted them to my Aunt Noreen. She loves them as much as I did.
I finished the Noro Kureyon socks I had started for my dad. My mom told me today she's washed them several times now and he still can't wear them. They make his feet itch something terrible. I'm so bummed. I didn't really enjoy knitting with the yarn but they are really nice looking socks. Maybe a couple more washings? Anyone have any thoughts?
There's lots more too but I've already shared enough photos for today. Back tomorrow with some more.
We got a new fridge. She gives us water and ice through her door and doesn't complain. She allows us to open her freezer door without barfing ice cubes all over the kitchen floor. She keeps things in her compartments at the temperature she promises. She's shiny. I love her.
I turned 37 on the 16th of this month.
Dan made captain of the track team.
Darcie got a 102 average in math.
Dailaesse is having a blast homeschooling.
I bought the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day book. If you don't have this book you should buy it right now. Amazing. And it honestly only takes a few minutes to make a loaf. Just look at my first loaf:
There's lots more too but I've already shared enough photos for today. Back tomorrow with some more.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
A Little Something About Me
I found this at One Scheme of Happiness and just had to do it. If you post yours drop me a note so I can read it. :-)
1. Can you cook? Yes, but I don't really like to. What? Just about anything. My favorite dish is a penne and sausage dish with a cream/tomato sauce. Yum.
2. What was your dream growing up? To be a mom. I'm totally living my dream and loving every minute of it.
3. What talent do you wish you had? I wanted to learn to knit. I had a really hard time with it when I was younger but I finally got it when I was in my late teens.
4. Favorite place? Home.
5. Favorite vegetable? Broccoli.
6. What was the last book you read? Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair
7. What zodiac sign are you? Aries.
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? My ears are pierced. 6 in my left ear and 5 in my right. I only wear 2 in each ear these days.
9. Worst Habit? Swearing like a trucker.
10. Do we know each other in real life? Nope.
11. What is your favorite sport? Football.
12. Is a glass of water half-full or half empty? Half-full for sure.
13. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me (after we called for help, of course)? Knit, of course!
14. Would you share an embarrassing moment with me? Sure. Here??? Hmm...when I was in my teens I went to a water park with one of the families I babysat for. I went down a really high, really fast slide and was pushed way under the deep water at the end of the slide. I don't swim and was scared so jumped up as fast as I could. The combination of fast and jumping unhooked the top of my suit and when I popped up out of the pool I also popped out of my suit. I was really glad I didn't know more than several people there that day.
15. Tell me one weird fact about you: I'm almost 37 and I'm still afraid of the dark.
16. Do you have any pets? 3 dogs and 1 cat.
17. Can you read a book upside down? Hmmm...let's see...why yes, I can!
18. What time is it where you are now? 7:22pm
19. Who was the scariest fairy-tale/children movie hero ever for you? Puff the magic Dragon.
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? My weight.
21. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? Conscience.
22. What color eyes do you have? Blue.
23. Ever been arrested? Nope.
24. A cop or a robber? Cop.
25. If you won 10,000 pounds/dollars today, what would you do with it? Pay bills. After I bought a little yarn.
26. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew? Original Bubble Yum
27. Favourite fastfood restaurant? Arby's
28. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.
29. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Knit.
30. Do you swear a lot? Yes.
31. Biggest pet peeve? Rudeness.
32. In one word, how would you describe yourself? Mom.
33. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you? Yup! :-)
1. Can you cook? Yes, but I don't really like to. What? Just about anything. My favorite dish is a penne and sausage dish with a cream/tomato sauce. Yum.
2. What was your dream growing up? To be a mom. I'm totally living my dream and loving every minute of it.
3. What talent do you wish you had? I wanted to learn to knit. I had a really hard time with it when I was younger but I finally got it when I was in my late teens.
4. Favorite place? Home.
5. Favorite vegetable? Broccoli.
6. What was the last book you read? Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair
7. What zodiac sign are you? Aries.
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? My ears are pierced. 6 in my left ear and 5 in my right. I only wear 2 in each ear these days.
9. Worst Habit? Swearing like a trucker.
10. Do we know each other in real life? Nope.
11. What is your favorite sport? Football.
12. Is a glass of water half-full or half empty? Half-full for sure.
13. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me (after we called for help, of course)? Knit, of course!
14. Would you share an embarrassing moment with me? Sure. Here??? Hmm...when I was in my teens I went to a water park with one of the families I babysat for. I went down a really high, really fast slide and was pushed way under the deep water at the end of the slide. I don't swim and was scared so jumped up as fast as I could. The combination of fast and jumping unhooked the top of my suit and when I popped up out of the pool I also popped out of my suit. I was really glad I didn't know more than several people there that day.
15. Tell me one weird fact about you: I'm almost 37 and I'm still afraid of the dark.
16. Do you have any pets? 3 dogs and 1 cat.
17. Can you read a book upside down? Hmmm...let's see...why yes, I can!
18. What time is it where you are now? 7:22pm
19. Who was the scariest fairy-tale/children movie hero ever for you? Puff the magic Dragon.
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? My weight.
21. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? Conscience.
22. What color eyes do you have? Blue.
23. Ever been arrested? Nope.
24. A cop or a robber? Cop.
25. If you won 10,000 pounds/dollars today, what would you do with it? Pay bills. After I bought a little yarn.
26. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew? Original Bubble Yum
27. Favourite fastfood restaurant? Arby's
28. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.
29. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Knit.
30. Do you swear a lot? Yes.
31. Biggest pet peeve? Rudeness.
32. In one word, how would you describe yourself? Mom.
33. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you? Yup! :-)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Letter Game
I saw this on Genevieve's blog and thought it was fun. If you play along drop me a note. :-)
Use the first letter of your name to find a word for each of the following:
Your Name - Kerry
Four letter word - kind
Boy name - Kyle
Girl name - Katie
Occupation - knitter
Color - khaki
Beverage - Kool-Aid
Something found in a bathroom - Kleenex
A Place - Kansas
Reason for being late - keys lost
Food - kale
Something you shout - kitty kitty kitty!!!
Use the first letter of your name to find a word for each of the following:
Your Name - Kerry
Four letter word - kind
Boy name - Kyle
Girl name - Katie
Occupation - knitter
Color - khaki
Beverage - Kool-Aid
Something found in a bathroom - Kleenex
A Place - Kansas
Reason for being late - keys lost
Food - kale
Something you shout - kitty kitty kitty!!!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
When the Circus Comes to Town
Remember that awesome Tiny Toes I showed not long ago that my SP13 pal sent me? I turned half of it into these:

Too cute, huh?

Circus Socks for Dudette
Too cute, huh?
I cast on 48 stitches on a 40" 2.25mm needle (KnitPicks Harmony, thanks for prompting me to try these Leslie they are pretty nice) and knit in 2x2 rib for 24 rows before switching to stockinette for 12 rows. I then worked a pretty basic heel flap then knit the foot until it measured 5.75" long. I can't believe my 6 year old has 7" feet! She's only 2" away from catching up with me!
Up next...details on that no hole short row heel. It really does rock!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Look Ma, No Holes!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Love Is Grand
This arrived in the mail for me yesterday. It's a second package from my SP13 pal. It includes some great gingerbread tubby goodies as well as some Breathe lotion and cream. Things have been very stressful here lately and boy do I ever need to Breathe. :-) Also included were some gorgeous stitch markers handcrafted by my pal and her hubby, a magnet from her recent trip to Cabo, Interlacements Tiny Toes, and Heavyweight Socks that Rock in Rocktober. Yum! Not pictured but also included are 3 great books...Baby Beanies, Scrumptious Toppers for Tots & Toddlers, AND Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair. OMG!!! I stayed up until 1 this morning reading this book by Crazy Aunt Purl. I assumed with a title like this there would be laughs-a-plenty. And there was. There were also some tears which I totally didn't see coming. Awesome, awesome book. If you've not read it you really should. Last but certainly not least...there were socks!!!
When I opened the socks knit just for me out of Socks That Rock I cried like a little girl. Nobody has ever knit me socks before.
I put them on immediately. They fit perfectly and are so warm and squishy. I've fallen head over heels in love with my pal. Thank you again pal, from the very bottom of my heart...and soles!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Blueberry Pancakes
You Are Blueberry Pancakes |
![]() You prefer flavorful, fresh foods that are well seasoned. You shy away from anything plain or overcooked. It's not likely someone would find a lot of cheap convenience foods in your kitchen. Instead, someone might find a wide array of spices, herbs, and flavorings. |
I found this over at Stash-N-Stitch and just had to give it a try. Leave a note in the comments if you do it and let me know how close it was. I have to say that this is pretty much spot on for me.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pattern: Fetching by Cheryl Niamath
Yarn: Dream in Color Classy in Wisterious purchased at Adirondack Yarns
Needles: US 6
Mods: Added extra repeats of the cables to both the beginning and end.
I can't wait to try these out on the playground next week!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I finished the sweater for Dudette last week. It took all weekend for the fool thing to dry because our room is so cold. And then I once again had to wait for my model to be in a modeling kind of mood. Sheesh.

She loves the sweater and can't wait to wear it. She asked if she might be able to wear it for gym day. I suggested she wait until the weekend. We'll see who wins the war.
Oh, I've been meaning to share a funny little tidbit of info...I started this sweater 2 years ago on the needle recommended and was getting gauge. When I picked it back up I was WAY off. I went down a needle size and was still off but not by enough to warrant going down another. It's amazing to me how much I've relaxed in my knitting. What a difference a couple years can make. :-)
Oh, I've been meaning to share a funny little tidbit of info...I started this sweater 2 years ago on the needle recommended and was getting gauge. When I picked it back up I was WAY off. I went down a needle size and was still off but not by enough to warrant going down another. It's amazing to me how much I've relaxed in my knitting. What a difference a couple years can make. :-)
Thursday, January 08, 2009
I Did It. Did You?
I stole this from Robin. The things I've done are bold. How about you? What have you done?
1. Started my own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than I can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sung a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched lightening at sea
14. Taught myself art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown my own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught myself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing (indoor)
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had my portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had my picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Rode an elephant
1. Started my own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than I can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sung a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched lightening at sea
14. Taught myself art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown my own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught myself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing (indoor)
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had my portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had my picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Rode an elephant
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Freebie For Your Feet
I designed this pattern for the Sockathon group over on Yahoo and it was featured last month.

I'm not sure if anyone ended up knitting it or not as I've not seen any in progress or finished photos for it but I know several people really liked it. I'm hoping that the lack of photos from the group is only because it was introduced during the crazy busy holiday season.
If you want to knit it you can find it on Ravelry as a free download or you can email me and I'll send you the pdf. :-)
I'm not sure if anyone ended up knitting it or not as I've not seen any in progress or finished photos for it but I know several people really liked it. I'm hoping that the lack of photos from the group is only because it was introduced during the crazy busy holiday season.
If you want to knit it you can find it on Ravelry as a free download or you can email me and I'll send you the pdf. :-)
Monday, January 05, 2009
Something Fishy
Well, it was supposed to be for my friend's grandson but Dailaesse batted her sweet little eyes and asked if she could pretty please try it on just to see if it fit.

I know kids are all head but there's no way this would fit a little guy who's not quite a year old yet.
I thought changing the original pattern (worsted weight on size US 7 needles) to that of my own (dk weight on US 5 needles) would work out perfectly. Not.
So now it's back to the drawing board. Guess I'll just have to decrease the number of stitches cast on and fiddle with the rest of the numbers to get a smaller size.
It's all good though because I'm totally looking forward to knitting more of these.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Dead or Alive
Since I'm waiting for the yarn for the sweater to arrive before I can finish it I thought it only fair for me to be able to cast on a new project. This is the Fish Hat (Dead or Alive) from Knitty and it's so cute! I'm knitting this one in some old Patons Astra that was WAY back in the yarn closet. I don't really care for knitting with it but I wanted something that would be machine wash and dry as it's going to a home that might not want to fiddle with anything but. Plus it's for a toddler and I know it will be outgrown quickly and the original pattern looks large on most of the adult heads I've seen it on. I'm hoping to finish this up soon. Although I cast on a new pair of Fetching today. Now the fish is on the back burner. HA!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Memory Lane
Remember this?

Of course you don't. Know why? Because I started it 2 years ago, worked on it for 2 days, then stuck it in the bin of doom. I don't know why I put it there. It certainly didn't deserve to be tucked away. It's a fine sweater.
For some reason I've been in a finishing sort of mood lately. So I pulled it out the other night and sat down to finish it.
See that? I'm 5 rows from the end of the sleeve and I have about 1.5 feet of yarn left. Thankfully I found a nice lady on Ravelry who had a hank of the same yarn I need in her destash list. We worked out a trade and the yarn is on its way to me today. I can't wait to get this finished and Dudette can't wait to wear it!
Friday, January 02, 2009
New & Improved
My favorite LYS has a brand new blog! I'm really excited about helping out with it. I hope you'll take a minute to stop by and hopefully give us some ideas on what you think would be fun to see. Maybe an advice or fix-it day? FO day? Come share your ideas!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
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