Saturday, October 22, 2005

It's Raining, It's Snowing

That's right folks, it's October 22nd and it's snowing. How cool is that??? And I'm not talking a wimpy little dusting. I'm talking nice big, wet, heavy flakes. It's a little unusual even for us to have snow before Halloween but I'm not going to complain. Dailaesse was so excited on the way home from picking Dan and Darcie up this week. When we were at the play park yesterday and today she kicked the clouds while she was swinging to make it snow so we can get the sleds out. Most people wouldn't want to be held responsible for this sort of weather. Dailaesse proudly accepts all blame.

Before I forget, Mar was drawn from all the entries on Thursday and Nyxxie for Friday. It's been awfully quiet around here today. Up until a few minutes ago Bonnee was in the running all alone.

So much has happened in the past 2 days that I don't even know where to start. We went for dinner with our friends last night. I was going to take the baby but it got late. My mother wasn't feeling well and my father was, well, cranky. I decided to stay home with Dailaesse and have Bran go. Our friends insisted we bring Dailaesse so I changed plans and told Dailaesse she was coming. My father pitched a fit and told me I was crazy because it was too late and that I was going to leave her with them. I should have known better. When will I ever learn??? We hadn't even been sitting at the table for 5 minutes when the cell phone rang. Dailaesse was screaming. Yes, that little girl scream that makes your ear drums bleed. She wanted us to go home. Quickly. I thought if we just hurried up and ate that she'd quit screaming and lose track of time. Not. When we got home my mother told me she had cried herself to sleep. I feel like the worst mother in the world. She told me Dailaesse insisted she call the police and have them go find her mother. Smart little shit isn't she? I always wonder of the things I try to pound into the kids heads actually stick or not. Obviously this is one that has. If you are lost you find a police man and they will bring you home. She is listening. :-) So Dailaesse told me this morning that next time I was taking her with me. Which is what I wanted to do in the first place. Both of my parents made sure to tell me that I was horrible to leave her with them. What??? They told me to!!! Sometimes you just can't win.

The clog class was really something today. I was there for 6 hours. Yup. 6 hours. I set out for a 2 hour class at 9:45 this morning. This has got to be how Gilligan and The Skipper felt all those years. I think everyone really got a good handle on the process though and that's what I set out to accomplish. Even if it did suck the spirit right out of me. I lost the will to shop. Oh sure, there was fondling. But I just couldn't seem to commit to anything in particular. I'm such a tease.


Teresa said...

whoo hoo I am the first one. I hope you have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

OOOH, snow, we have cold rain. I would rather have snow than this cold dreary rain. Love the blog.
Monica in unseasonably cold IN

Anonymous said...

We are at a lull between raindrops right now. Sorry, don't envy your snow just yet. We will get it soon enough. Usually by Halloween the first snowfall arrives. Not long to wait then.

Have a good day,

Anonymous said...

i'm still trying..but snow already?
we are into indian summer here. very nice

adrienne in the bellybutton of california

Lizardknits said...

When it comes to snow - I'm just going to say "Better YE than ME!"

Leslie said...

Oh Kerry, you have the talent of making your life sound like an adventure :) Dailaesse is "headstrong' - I wonder if she gets that talent from her mom or her dad? Somehow I'm thinking it's YOUR side of the family! LOL

So, how come the class took that long? Did you just not have the heart to tell people that they'd have to finish the clog at home? Maybe if you do it again you can give pre-homework so they can do the tricky part (I assume it's turnign the heel) in class? Anyhow - we need details, my dear blogger, details!!! Please?

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of your snow flakes ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad we don't have snow yet in SW Michigan. The family took a little color tour ride today and it was just beautiful! I can definitely wait a little longer for snow!
Lisa D.

Anonymous said...

Kerry, so sorry that your dinner out didn't go so well. Now you will keep that snow up your way for a bit, won't you dear? Some os us folks down in the more southern region of the state would be ever so gratefull!

Knitcrazy said...

Oh Please don't open the door and let that White Cold Stuff Down here.. I'm cold already without it!!!

Nyxxie said...

Snow and you lil one with the police too funny I think we should trade lives for a week or so! LOL

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